Line Live Hook Bypass Audio Lock up during Show, 9 5 17 with caller witness

2 years ago

Another from my collections of these "Glitches" in the surveillance dragnet, Prism Thinthread Blarney, Caller with similar problem offers a nice solution UNPLUG phones OK works with one phone, well kinda misses the point : phones, can be sending out AUDIO of a room when you think they are ON HOOK (or turned off in a purse or pouch , even taking photos) #OpticNerve activation, probably random in the 1990s , goes back 22+ years with cell phones and with voice to text transcription in the late 1960s even with heavy easturn European accents? PRE-patriot act PRE-snoden. Tis why there is this silly thing called RETROACTIVE IMMUNITY eh Pirate Gubbermint ANYWAY I set down the phone and called him back since he had called in earlier in the show before his phone 'ghost dialed' me back and locked up the line to where I could not have even dialed 911 if I needed to... also at :

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