What's Coming in 2023? Will it be a good year?

2 years ago

Rose Neves Grigg will reveal your inner truth and lift The Veil of Illusion that has blinded many from happiness, health, prosperity and success.
Through her Divine connection she will help you recognize, overcome and remove blocks in your past. Opening a path to your wellbeing through a renewed awareness of your spiritual connection.

Providing balance and alignment in your path. Understanding the principle that we are Spirits (souls) in our human form you will be prepared and able to heal issues, problems, doubts and regrets whether physical, emotional, spiritual or relational. Guided by Rose’s Spiritual connection and empowered through your faith anything is possible.

Rose’s Medium connections to her consistent and known eternal guides who offer good and wise information she will expose past issues when revealing and opening your Akashic Records.

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Watch the entire Summit here: https://rumble.com/v230pne--the-2023-liberty-summit.html

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