1 year ago

The last three years, since that year of 2020 vision, have been ones of much showing AND learning, for those who have opened their eyes… It’s been far from fun, in fact downright painful, to watch those close to us fall for system-led deliberate ill-inducing propaganda, for whatever reason this has been perpetrated upon our species, especially more latterly, as the ultimate reality of what people exposed themselves to, in misguided trust, hits both them and us square in the face…

BUT as with all things, we cannot allow ourselves to procrastinate in low energy, we must face the truth and deal with it in the best ways we are able. For many, sadly, it is already too late, they have already left this realm but for the many others that have not, there ARE lights at the end of tunnels.

What is spoken about in this INCREDIBLE interview that took place on CIRCLE OF WHITE LIGHT RADIO, between the Radio Station’s host ALAN JAMES and his amazing guest - Dr EDWARD F GROUP III, at the end of last year on Sunday 11th December 2022, is indeed totally LIFE SAVING AND CHANGING!

His bio is as follows… ‘Dr. Edward F. Group III, founded his Global Healing Center in 1998 with the goal of providing the highest quality natural health information and products. He is world-renowned for his research on the root cause of disease. Under his leadership, Global Healing Center earned recognition as one of the largest natural and organic health resources in the world. He has been named as "Top Life Coaches of the Year" and his online school, The Global Healing Institute, earned the recognition of "Top 10 Educational Platforms" in its first year. Dr. Group is a truthseeker, survivalist, veteran of the United States Army, and an alumni of both Harvard and MIT business schools. He is a best-selling author and has over 30 million views on his YouTube Channel. He is a frequent guest on radio and television programs, documentary films, and in major publications’

A good friend highlighted this interview to me and when I heard it I think it actually brought tears, good tears! I have been talking about the FREE natural life changing health protocols for many many years now, as have many others. We have all received much ridicule and attack because of these protocols we practise ourselves and then try to spread the benefits to others, for no other reason than we know it really does work and it is readily available to you in your home at ZERO COST and it actually works totally personalised for you to you, in every way that will allow you to reach ultimate health and vitality with never a big pHARMa pill being taken!!!

What folk need to truly take in when they listen to this is that WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO for many many years about the things that are good for us and the things that are bad for us, essentially if you INVERT practically everything you have ever been told you will be close to the TRUTH!

The injected poisons of the last three years aside, the ‘treatment’ that has been borne down upon us regarding so called ‘cancer’ is beyond barbarity and evil and when people start to see what ‘cancer’ actually is and how our body protects us, you will NEVER look at so called ‘health’ services in the same way again, in fact you will totally want to hold those responsible for perpetrating this down upon us with a passion like never before…
Our bodies are daily filled with toxins, mostly man-made ones, both from external and internal sources from what our skies are sprayed with, what is sprayed on the ground, what you wash your body and your clothes with, to what is put into our water, what you feed yourself with each and every single day and practically everything else.

In an effect to rid our bodies of this never ending toxic circle of destruction, toxins are taken into contained areas within your body, ie ‘tumours’. What is supposed to happen next is for you to stop eating food for a period of time, better known as fasting when you drink good filtered or distilled water only, during this time your body will start to ‘eat’ all the toxins and fat within your body to sustain itself and the ‘tumour’ of toxins will be absorbed during this process. The VERY WORSE thing that could happen to you other than this would be to have this tumour punctured thus allowing the toxins back out into the body, then on top of that be blasted or injected with extremely hazardous and harmful chemical poisons that will kill just about everything in your body including your immune system, THIS is why your hair falls out.

So when you take a minute to contemplate what I have just said and see the sense of it and the lie you have been fed for a very long time, you will see the absolute logic and common sense of the way the human body is designed to work far away from toxic chemicals…

It is hard news to listen to and take in, many of us have also had to digest this but unless you take it on the chin and embrace with true and knowing heart, then our ‘sick’ society will never ever GET BETTER!

So PLEASE listen to this wonderful interview with DR ED with an open mind and heart and as someone who has already benefited from these health protocols over years now, I invite you to join the LAND OF THE REBORN AND LIVING so we can finally CHANGE THIS PLACE AROUND!

Much love and health, LISA 💝💝💝

TELEGRAM @drgroupofficial
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/@DrEdwardGroup





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