Why Blood Sugar Balance Is SO Important For Your Hormone Balance! | Dr. Patricia Mills, MD

2 years ago

Welcome to my THRIVE Thursday talk show! In this episode we will discuss a topic that every women NEEDS to understand so that they can look, feel, and BE their best, for life!

In this episode, you’ll discover:

✅What are the effects of blood sugar balance on your hormone balance?
✅Why it's important to pay attention to your blood sugar reponses to foods even if you are not diabetic or pre-diabetic?
✅What are the short term effects of unbalanced blood sugar on your health?
✅What are the long term effects of unbalanced blood sugar on your health?
✅Why blood sugar levels affect your mid-afternoon energy slump, irritable mood, and nighttime awakenings.

And more!

I trust you’ll get so much value out of this episode.

Please share with someone you care about who also wants root cause solutions to their health concerns so they can look, feel and BE their best!

To your vibrant health,

Dr. Patricia Mills, Wholistic MD
Specialist in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Practicing Functional Medicine

#hormonebalance #hormonehealth #bloodsugar #bloodsugarcontrol #bloodsugarbalance #womenshealth #functionalmedicine #drpatriciamills

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