ASMR Horror Edition - Will She Find You?

2 years ago

📖Make sure to read the story below first for extra immersion! Just to be clear up front, this is not for the faint of heart. To hear the highest-quality sounds when watching this ASMR content, a headset is recommended.

Your Story: ASMR Horror Edition - Will She Find You?
You were in a loving relationship for four years until society fell apart. Sadly, a few days after the world ended, your lover vanished. You have been looking ever since.

Your Thoughts:
More than a week has passed since we last saw each other. I have been searching after dark, when there is less chance that I'll be noticed by those... things. But I'm running out of time, I'll begin my search just before it gets dark this time. It's more dangerous, but I'll be able to cover more ground this way.

I am alone, hungry, and afraid, but I've spent my entire life preparing for something like this. My main priority is to survive, but in this ruined world, I can't leave my companion behind.

I have been on the road for days, scavenging what I can. In my backpack, I still have some food and drink, but I have been keeping it for when I really need it. I'll just hold out a little longer.

This walk is tiring me out, I'll need to take a break soon. The city is quiet today, and I can't see any of the monsters near that building in the distance.

I'm pretty close now, is that a light? That's strange, the city's power has been off since the beginning of all this. I'll do a perimeter search to make sure it's safe. Hmm, the windows are undamaged, and the building shows no sign of recent activity. It looks safe enough. It must have a power source of some kind, possibly a backup generator. I could do with the fuel, there may be some food inside and my partner could be using the generator.

Oh look, one of the windows are open. I'll climb in there as discreetly as I can and wait quietly. It looks safe and I can't hear anything apart from the wind. The sound of the wind makes me feel relaxed. Wait, what's that noise?...

Start the video, if you dare💀

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