WHO Shares Video Stating Online "Anti-Vaccine Activism" is Deadlier Than "Global Terrorism"

2 years ago

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), online "anti-vaccine activism" is more dangerous than terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and gun violence.

"We have to recognize that anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally," said Baylor College of Medicine's Dr. Peter Hotez, in a shocking video shared December 14, 2022 by the WHO on Twitter.

Dr. Hotez continued to warn that anti-vaccine activism is "a killing force" that is more dangerous than "gun violence, global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, or cyberattacks."

"And now it's become a political movement," he continued. "In the U.S., it's linked to far extremism on the far Right. Same in Germany. So this is a new face of anti-science aggression."

The video concludes with Dr. Hotez saying: "And so we need political solutions to address this."

In 2022, Peter Hotez was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Remember him in 2020? Whistleblower Brook Jackson does.


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