Die Akte Dennis Uitz: Das Urteil | The Case File Of Dennis Uitz: The Dubai Court Verdict

2 years ago

Due Dilligence Report: https://file.io/VrYvSkeDVAzb

Dubai Court Ruling:

None of the statements in this video are stated as facts and are merely stated as opinions which may be factually wrong. This video is for educational purposes only.

Nachdem nun ein paar Monate nach meinen letzten Videos hierzu verstrichen sind, gibt es nun ein Gerichtsurteil in Dubai gegen Dennis Uitz. Das Gericht sieht es als erwiesen an, dass er 1,2 Millionen EUR aufgrund von Pflichtverletzungen zurück zahlen muss! Jene 1,2 Millionen, die er wem abgenommen hatte um damit "Immobilieninvestments zu tätigen" mit denen er aber wohl entschieden hat eher seinen Dubai-Ferrari Lifestyle ursprünglich zu finanzieren, um euch alle damit zu belügen. Lasst euch nicht blenden, öffnet eure Augen und macht euch euer eigenes Bild!

ENGLISH (The Video contains English subtitles)
A few months have passed since my last videos about this and there is now a court decision in Dubai against Dennis Uitz. The court considers it as proven that he has to pay back 1.2 million EUR due to breach of contract! Those 1.2 million, which he had taken from someone for "real estate investments" and with which he however chose to rather pay for his Dubai Ferrari Lifestyle when he arrived at the scene there and to lie to all of you about who he really is. Do not be blinded, open your eyes and make your own conclusions!

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