Its Happening! We Are All Soon to Become Wealthy! Learn How to Live in the Private Now!

2 years ago

#breakingnews #Trust #iraq

All exporting nations have dropped the USD and returning to gold NOW! Additionally, people are reporting having loans declared PAID IN FULL. NESARA is happening NOW! You need to be proactive and plan ahead.

The National Economic Security and Reformation Act/Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA/GESARA) and the Global Currency Reset are quickly approaching and becoming a reality. We ALL are about to experience a worldwide and personal debt jubilee as well as abundance of wealth! We need to be ready mentally, emotionally and physically! Here, I discuss how things are moving quickly and how to prepare.

We discuss 1) that every country is now trading with precious metals and assets, outside of the USD and what that does to the precious metals markets; 2) how and why the global currency reset, whereby all countries have agreed return to the gold standard, is occurring; 3) what the difference is between the Global Currency Reset (GCR), the BENEVOLENT monetary reset differs from the Great Reset, a nefarious bad monetary situation; 4) how this relates to the Revaluation of Currencies (RV); the method and process of exchanging our "exotic" currencies and what those (popular) currencies are (IQD, VND, BOL, IDR, INR and Zim): 5) why you need precious metals and where to get them; 6) how to manage those assets/money from the exchange that will occur soon, as well as any assets which you now possess; 7) the importance of manages assets, and how this differs from a will, i.e. the necessity of estate planning and what that is!

The Globe has returned to gold:

Project Sandman: 100 + nations agree to return to the gold standard:

This is what the Quantum Financial System (QFS) is and does:

Empress Verdiacee Gosten el Turner Bey:


My case for silver:

The ancient biblical map shows America as Israel and Egypt:

IQD, VND, Zim, Gold and Glory! The global currency reset IS occurring NOW:

Venezuelan Currency likely to revalue soon:

Buy precious metals from your local precious metals dealer or contact CEO of Miles Franklin. Email: for his pricing and to order. Let him know that Dr. Kia Pruitt referred you:


Purchase precious metals from Dr. Kia Pruitt: Shop here:

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