DIY PVC High Tunnel Greenhouses

2 years ago

12 months in 28 minutes
Made out of PVC Pipes and they are tough.

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I spent 1 year researching, planning, testing and pre-building, then I spend the next entire summer from late March through October building them.
Watch and you'll see us in coats at first with bare dirt in the garden, then frost cloth covering the plants in the planter boxes, then shorts, then coats again at the end...
The last scene is me sitting in one high tunnel installing the blower fan.
It's cold and raining outside and 85°F inside, and it's freezing at night but the plants are still thriving.
The garden went for 2 extra months in the new greenhouses before it got too cold for the plants at night.
Even in the winter when it's been 5-10°F outside during the day, it's still making it up to 80°F as soon as the light hits the tunnels.

Normally we would plant our garden about the first week in June, then it would be dead from the first frost before the 15th of September just 4 months later.
Now we might get 7 or maybe even 8 months of growing with these wonderful structures.

The cost was about $1,500 each but I also used a ton of scrap and junk stuff that I could find around the ranch.
In the year of planning, I knew I would need a LOT of heavy wood to build these and Covid and the mandates and shutdowns had already driven the cost of lumber off the chart.
So during the planning year, I designed and built a sawmill from scratch (see my building a sawmill video) and then while the price was still low, I got a load of logs trucked in so I could cut my own wood for all of my projects.

Lots more projects coming.
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Captain Wingnut
#hoophouse #hightunnel #greenhouse

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