Mark McGowan and Anthony Albanese interrupted by resident at press conference

2 years ago

Watch Mark McGowans abhorrent body language as he realises a “Resident” has somehow snuck into an outdoor press conference and tries to ask a question.

This is Australian politicians treating citizens as irrelevant at a press conference.

The politicians knew this concerned residents question would catch them off guard so they evade this guy as best they can because they know it won’t be a scripted “media” question.

Press conferences are like advertising for politicians. They prepare and answer scripted questions and responses from the mainstream media. The press are given guidelines and subjects to which questions they are allowed to ask the politicians and cannot go too hard in mob the politicians although sometimes , a question from MSM can rattle the optician being questioned and they buckle but those occasional hard questions are part of the facade to try and make it seem real.

Occasionally an MSM journalist will throw a seemingly hard question just to make it look like the media are doing their jobs for the people but really it’s just a ploy to make it look like the media is there for the people but in reality, the mainstream media is there for whoever provides the best financial kick backs. This is usually from the politicians financial purses.

#anthonyalbanese #markmcgowan #bodylanguagesaysitall #electiontime #brokenpromises #australia #westernaustralia

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