5. The Third Day of Creation (Genesis 1:9ff)

2 years ago

Reading, thinking and praying about the Word of God. Beginning at the beginning.


Genesis 1:9ff

God said,
Let the waters under the sky
be gathered together to one place,
and let the dry land appear;

and it was so.

God called the dry land Earth,
and the gathering together of the waters he called Seas.

God saw that it was good.

God said,
Let the earth yield grass,
herbs yielding seeds,
and fruit trees bearing fruit
after their kind,
with their seeds in it,
on the earth;

and it was so.

The earth yielded grass,
herbs yielding seed
after their kind,
and trees bearing fruit,
with their seeds in it,
after their kind;
and God saw that it was good.

There was evening and there was morning,
a third day.


sotosoc = Simplicity On The Other Side Of Complexity

sotosoc, pronounced SOE-toe-sock

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