What’s the one thing we men do that pisses you off?

2 years ago

Women of Reddit what’s the one thing we men do that pisses you off?
Assume every gripe we have with another woman is due to jealousy. I knew one woman who stole a friends credit card and tried to steal mine and a man brushed it off as women being competitive. She stole around £250 after memorising the pin.
Today it's get unreasonably pissed off about something I bought with my own damn money.
Ask to spend time together then tune me out the whole time.
Pretend to be so bad at something that I just give up and do it myself.
(Not all men do this, but alot that I've met do): Acting different towards your partner when you have friends over. It's not cool.
Annex Poland
Interrupt me every time I open my damn mouth.
Send unsolicited dick pics on reddit, thinking we'll be impressed
Always eating before women at family dinners and relaxing while the women clean. I'm tired of serving, tidying up and all that. I want to sit and enjoy a drink while talking after dinner like the men do.
Pee on the floor
Allowing your partner to be a substitute for your mother. Then when your partner calls you out on not helping out around the house, replying with “if you tell me what to do then I’ll do it”. NO. You are a grown ass adult, if you can’t see the dishes piling up then YOU need to sort your shit out.

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