Three-Fold Worthship (1 Corinthians 11:2-12:6)

2 years ago

First, sorry about the head duck at the end, felt a hard cough coming on and wasn't sure if I wanted to mute (with the camera battery near dead), grab water, or which and was able to finish the thought. The gifts we are given is often turned into a list: You have this, but not this, oh this is one but that isn't. Never made sense to me that a list of gifts from THE INFINTINE ONE could be narrowed down to a section of lamb-skin scroll. But I'm still learning. The beauty I see from Genesis 1 makes me smile and rejoice at how he reads 2. Because he's not talking to Jews. He'st talking to Romans, in whose cultrue's house, the husband-head of house was god. Saying that we are not independent of each other to a group of people who have been raised to think if you have a johnson you're a worthy and if you can fill a bra you have little more value than a slave is an act of calling out wrong as wrong.

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