Adventure Prof: 03 Beyond Africa by Walter Veith & Henry Stober

2 years ago

The Loud Cry presents the next episode of the new series by Walter Veith:
"Adventure Prof - How God Connects People"

Episode 3: Beyond Africa.

There is hardly a person who is not completely fascinated to be on the road in the vastness of Africa.

On the one hand, this is due to the enormous, versatile nature. But on the other hand, it's because of the animals. Man was also created to experience this animal world, to capture and study.

How much more interesting it is to be on the road with an expert of Africa, to learn background information about the continent and the animal kingdom and finally to be in direct confrontation with the largest living creature on earth. All this is of course no coincidence.

More and more, God's plan is solidifying for a series of productions that will not only be moving and exciting, but above all, a tribute to our Creator God and His great attention to detail. But it doesn't stop with Africa: Walter and Henry travel to the depths of an extraordinary land in the Northern Hemisphere and both experience God's mighty guidance once again. Numerous, not always easy challenges lie ahead - but God has a mission even in this small but very important country!

Follow the link below to watch The Three Angles’ Messages 5 part series

Join Walter & Henry for the next astonishing encounter.
God works: Beyond Africa!

Watch out for the next episode on TheLoudCry!

With Thanks to ClashOfMinds for permitting the redistribution of this material via The Loud Cry on rumble and via The Loud Cry YouTube.

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