Sound Samples from Dissolving The Divide with Brandon Spencer ~☥~ Internal Symmetry

2 years ago

This video is more of an invitation to check out my new channel I created with Leslie Powers called Dissolving The Divide.. This is going to be a very important series that's taking fresh approach of resolving the many conflicts between people and within themselves.

I am the sound & video technician for everything there, which takes up a good amount of time and energy.. i love being able to incorporate music in these videos.. I still love crafting those music mixes too, but they're time intensive and about half of them don't even see the light of day on youtube.. This channel AwakenYaMind is cultivated around the music, so i understand if folks aren't here to peep what i'm doing with my other curious conscious creations.. I'm gonna only drop these excerpts from my other channel as a means of inviting those who are interested to subscribe to  @dissolvingthedivide 

This is still all done for free and all we're asking is for some support and to help spread the word about our work.. We're not looking to be popular, we're looking to have the solutions presented be popular so folks can bridge the gaps more and more on all the divisive issues out there..

Song Credits:
Intro- Re Load by Zion I (R.I.P.)
Outro- Universal Law by
Cassette Tape Magic AwakenYaMind sample by Sunspot Jonz

Welcome to the discussion with our first honorary guest, Brandon Spencer!
In this series of informational topics of discussion, we are first laying down the foundation of the divides within humanity, which starts at the individual level going back to the first cosmic law principle of Mentalism: it's all about your state of mind

Topic: Internal conflict, diagnosing the first cosmic law principle of mentalism. solutions to controlling your mind, balancing it, understanding the triad alignment, pillars of enlightenment, shadow work, emotional intelligence, feminine qualities of consciousness, masculine qualities of consciousness, polarity, cause & effect, surrendering to the unknown, quality of thought, mindfulness, being present in the moment, etc.. More to touch on in another segment..

You can find Brandon & Leslies works & websites on

Brandon's meta-link:
His work is quality! He's been one of those great conscious content creators who I've collaborated with the most this past year and our initial chat about the goddess of Maat is what I was eluding to when I introduced him, which I recommend as it's quite relevant.

Please help spread the word about this channel as we try to populate this platform from scratch and get the algorithms to favor this work so it can ripple out further as we continue this work.

For inquiries & interest in our works::

 @lesliepowers3487  :
 @AwakenYaMind derekbartolacelli
(youtube won't let me use the link, so i had to put a space after the /)

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