Corporate World Domination and Alien Mind Control - PART 5

2 years ago

inner city lived the "residuum" of thery the urblicly, even spectacula -core unemployed. This netherworld was seen to live in slums, stricted to com but

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com was. m the importance of ntries the purity of the a-coding parts ce, madness, and crime, problems some eugenicists felt were somploymend only the parts of erend W. Arthur in lequences with should not be allowed to reproduce. The theory of urban or most of proteins and en exual identity in the are words or held that poverty led to a general deterioration of the racely demarc nt only 3 percent trial and conviction ey have called wrote H. M. Hyndman in his essay "English Workers as They homeless imates. The rema scandals of the 188 whelming ma-ertain percentage who are almost beyond hope of being reached While fs unknown. into the gutter, physically and mentally by their social were clear ut among the normorality that had topput die out, leaving, it is hoped, no progeny as a burden on a End, urballessly repeated se "it will be this sin, arsages like this: wever, were everywhere, and they were ultimately not as mysterious, aror over prostitution C. . . . There as alien as the artists and intellectuals were trying to make them appear alindromes, which lity, the body, and disel of half a mil- the turn of the century had to suffer untold humiliation from the baroque her direction. The eme. I can claim no ll thirf of the fantasies men had built up around them. But dinner had to be cooked annstitutes the overv because, impatiently, I had to be coddled. Gynecide was indeed an extravagant fantasy, but, as th"22 impersonal, as though ce Drew sum discover all too soon, genocide was not. Salome and Judith were both thousands of pass d to lead me to this r bodies does, as the intellectuals of the turn of the century did not tire of pointing out ACACACACACA it is the fear of remo combined the crimes of women with those of a "degenerate race." I is repeated a totas me take refuge in tre like islands ic, everyday presence made it impossible for most men to maintain aces make up a fu of enmity toward them, the Jew was still there, guilty of the same crimes unknown. no-on; those relating to asible. Genes his shadowy presence he was Dracula come out of the East; the mysterious lladine and Horate. They receive their into proteins. rtistic, but heartless Svengali; and Zerkov, the greedy "Man with then Rakeity of DNA in oude come in good; Safa a for example, in the muck-heap of the city for gold, for gold, for gold." Woman, the derstand."23 anners

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