Arthur Firstenberg chats health, smart devices & satellites for the planet, humans & animals

2 years ago

Report from the COP 27

In order to navigate the Conference, reports Cellular Phone Task Force assistant Kathleen Burke from Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, one must have a cell phone out and on nearly at all times. For the United Nations’ 27th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change, held this year at this resort city on the Red Sea, four fake palm trees have been erected on the grounds of the COP in order for the 40,000 conference attendees to all be on their cell phones at the same time, all day long, every day for two weeks. Each “tree”, captured in the foreground in the photo above, is simply a metal scaffolding for antennas.

The Safe and Sound Pro II radio frequency meter, which Kathleen brought to the COP in order to measure radiation levels, reads “Extreme” at all times everywhere on the grounds of the COP, inside and out. She may be the only person at the conference who does not have a cell phone.

The purpose of Kathleen’s participation as an observer at the COP is to begin to build bridges to the people who care most about the future of our world, who are not even aware of an existential threat that is even more urgent than the one they came to Egypt to address, and yet is intimately related to it. She is distributing the following letter to the delegates -- a letter that I wrote and officially submitted to the COP 27 before she arrived. Kathleen delivered the letter by hand today to all the offices of the parties (the countries represented at the Conference), as well as the Environmental Defense Fund and the World Health Organization.

A blind spot must be filled

Outside of an atomic nucleus, there are only two fundamental forces in nature: gravity and electricity. The electromagnetic force is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,
000 times stronger than the gravitational force. Yet much of western science pretends that it does not exist. This is now having terminal consequences for life on Earth. The consequences for life are being blamed on microorganisms. The consequences for the environment are being blamed on climate change.

This Conference is rightly concerned with halting the burning of fossil fuels. Unless that is stopped, the Earth will become uninhabitable. But even if it is stopped, the Earth will not survive unless global electrosmog is also stopped -- electrosmog from the wireless cloud and from satellites. And electrosmog is even more of an emergency than climate change. We have only years to stop it, not decades. In addition, many of the strategies for reducing our dependence on fossil fuels -- solar power, wind power, the smart grid, electric vehicles, smart highways, smart cities, and so forth -- are only making matters much worse. The methods used to gather information about altered animal habitats -- GPS, radio tracking devices, etc. -- are killing wildlife instead of saving them.

The following are a few of the facts that the United Nations must immediately recognize and take control of in order for our children to live to grow up:

• Electricity, and no other force, is responsible for life. The study of electricity must be restored to biology, chemistry, and medicine.

• Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) interfere with the flow of electrons in our nerves, our brains, and our hearts’ pacemakers. This is responsible for the recent huge increases in the prevalence of neurological diseases such as ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and autism, and the large increase in the incidence of heart attacks in young people.

• EMFs interfere with the flow of electrons from the food we eat to the oxygen we breathe, which occurs day and night in the mitochondria of every cell in order to make the energy necessary for life.

• This interference with metabolism -- interference with the burning of sugars, fats and proteins for energy -- has put all living things into a state of oxygen deprivation. This is occurring to every person, every animal, every insect, and every plant, without ceasing and without possibility of escape.

• The reduced ability of our cells to digest sugars is called diabetes.

• The reduced ability of our cells to digest fats causes them to be deposited in in our tissues, resulting in obesity. It causes them to be deposited in coronary arteries, resulting in heart disease.

• The reduced ability of our cells to utilize the oxygen we breathe causes them to revert to anaerobic (non-oxygen-using) metabolism, resulting in cancer.

• The extraordinary increases in these four pandemic diseases -- obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer -- are predominantly caused by constant radiation from personal wireless devices and the global infrastructure that supports them.

• In bees, which have a very high metabolism, this interference is quickly lethal. Colony collapse disorder is caused almost entirely by electrosmog.

• The 75% decline in flying insects in nature reserves throughout Germany, and the 98% to 99% decline in the number of crawling insects in a Puerto Rican rainforest -- decreases that reflect what is globally being called “insect apocalypse” -- are predominantly caused by the enormous increase in the intensity of radiation from the global wireless infrastructure.

• The unprecedented mass deaths of nesting birds worldwide in the spring and summer of 2022 was due to the tremendous global intensification of wireless infrastructure now occurring on land, in space, and in the oceans.

• The emissions from wireless devices are called radio frequency (RF) radiation. In addition to the general interference with electron flow in our bodies that occurs from any source of EMFs, RF radiation carries complex information from one wireless device to another in the form of frequencies and pulsation patterns. It carries the same information to the cells of our bodies, interfering with and drowning out the communication between our cells, and between our bodies and the Earth.

• This interferes with reproduction, growth, differentiation, maturation, healing, and normal functioning, and is responsible for the dramatic degradation of human health in the past two and a half decades.

• This interference with internal communication does not depend on dose. Even at near-zero power levels, RF radiation has been shown to alter brain waves and change the structure of DNA.

• Every wireless device and every antenna is responsible for electrosmog. None can ever be used safely, not even theoretically. Not cell towers, not cell phones, not WiFi, not Bluetooth, and not any of the 25 different wireless devices owned by the average household today.

• Communication satellites, now being launched almost every other day, up to 54 at a time, by governments and private corporations, are massively polluting and altering the electromagnetic environment of the Earth itself. This is further degrading all of life below, because every living thing is part of the global electric circuit which flows at all times between the sky and the Earth.

• There are 15 billion cell phones on Earth today emitting RF radiation, along with more than 6 million cell towers. At least 5,000 satellites are emitting radiation globally from space, with at least 100,000 more being scheduled and planned.

On behalf of my organization, the millions of people who support my work, and on behalf of humanity, all of life, and the Earth, I ask the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to recognize electrosmog as the emergency that it is, and a huge contributor to aspects of the degradation of life that have heretofore been blamed only on climate change. I further ask the United Nations to open an official discussion on this emergency threat to all nations and I propose the drawing up of a new treaty and the establishment of a Convention on Electrosmog. I, and the thousands of global experts with whom I communicate, are available to assist in this effort in any way that is required.

Kathleen also gave a copy of the above letter to Amy Goodman, who is the host of Democracy Now!, a news program that she founded 26 years ago and that airs on over 1,400 public radio and television stations worldwide. Her broadcasts from the COP 27 have been amazing. On Tuesday I heard her interview Vanessa Nakate, a climate justice activist from Uganda, and what Vanessa had to say about the climate emergency applies with equal force to EMFs. Tuesday was Vanessa’s 26th birthday, or “bearthday,” as she spelled it for Amy.

Vanessa reported that the Horn of Africa is experiencing severe drought, while large parts of Nigeria and Pakistan are underwater from record floods. The world must stop talking about “adaptation,” she said, because adaptation is already impossible. “You cannot adapt to extinction,” she said. A just transition to renewable energy is essential, she said, as is the total cessation of investments in fossil fuels. She is appalled that the Conference on Climate Change is being openly used as a marketing venue for the fossil fuel industry: more than 600 representatives of the fossil fuel industry are marketing their products in the pavilions at the COP!

Her sentiments are equally applicable to EMFs. With radiation already so pervasive that the majority of people in some nations have diabetes or prediabetes, and 98% to 99% of insects have disappeared even in rainforests, “adaptation” is impossible. “Adaptation” in this case meaning “safe use” of wireless technology. The burning of fossil fuels must cease, and the use of cell phones must also cease. Those are the two things that must happen if we are to have a planet to live on in the near future.

Yesterday (Wednesday), Amy interviewed Harjeet Singh, an activist from New Delhi, India who is with the Climate Action Network. Like Vanessa, he is outraged that not only has there been no progress on climate change in 30 years, but there is not even any mention of fossil fuels in the Paris Agreement that was adopted in 2015. And (as of yesterday) there was no mention of fossil fuels in the draft report of the COP 27 either. He, too, is scandalized by the 600 fossil fuel lobbyists that have turned the COP 27 into an Expo for their products. He is urging the nations of the world to develop a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Tuvalu and Vanuato are calling for. They are two island nations whose very existence is threatened by rising sea levels.

The parallels to EMF activism are striking. Just as 600 fossil fuel lobbyists are hawking their products at a conference on climate change, so most people that attend EMF conferences and protests of 5G have cell phones in their hands. Just as there has been no progress on climate change for 30 years, so there has been no progress on radiation for 30 years.

“A fight for climate justice is a fight for human rights,” said Vanessa Nakate. Likewise, a fight for a radiation-free world is a fight for human rights. It is time to stop nations from being flooded and submerged, and it is time to stop millions of people from being tortured and made homeless, and children worldwide from growing up with brain damage. It is time to stop burning fossil fuels, and it is time to stop using cell phones.

My letter, as submitted by me to the COP on my organization’s stationery, with my credentials, is here:

I ask everyone to please write to Amy Goodman requesting her to begin talking about radiation from wireless technology on Democracy Now! She is popular, respected, and reaches millions of people. Please do not question climate change when you write to her. We need to join forces with those who care about our planet if we want to keep it alive. The best way to contact Amy is on her website.

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