Ep 2: Overlooked Survival Tips

2 years ago

Why practicing bow-drill fires is impractical and silly in most cases. The true nature of most true survival situations. Why emphasis on catching wild game in true survival situations is ridiculous. Five practical tips for how to normalize the idea of eating bugs for yourself, and why this is important. The basic items I always carry in my right pocket. Knots are cool and never-ending, yet you only realistically need to learn three or four of them, total. The principle of never entering the woods without multiple ways to start fires. Why getting into the habit of always having a few simple tools on you is much more practical than practicing skills you’re never going to use out of true necessity. Why learning the basic principles of things is often better than lots of details. I don’t depend on water filters, I’ll tell you the reason why and what I depend on, instead. We’ll talk about mezcal and John The Baptist.

Some of the gear you’ll see throughout this video is the fantastic Black Diamond Mega Light Tent. Victorinox Swiss Army Knife Evolution Grip S17. Ektos 100% Wool Blanket 5lbs. Klymit Insulated V Ultralite sleeping pad. The Luxe Hiking Gear Hexpeak 2P Tipi Tent Shelter. The BCB British NATO Osprey 58-pattern water bottle and the NATO Crusader Cup. My Merrell Work Cham 8 Stretch Tactical shoes make an appearance. The kettle is the iBasingo or Boundless Voyage 1.4 L Titanium Kettle. 9TiEDC Flint Fire Starter with Whistle. My pocket pouch is by Hide & Drink from Amazon.

References are made to REI Co-op, Cabella’s, Cody Lundeen, and Survivorman Les Stroud, which is sure to put a hair in a lot of people’s biscuits, but that’s ok.

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