Searching for BRAIN POWER, to cure aging and do science

2 years ago

Brains, Society is an expression of IQ and of the average IQ of the population dictates existence. Essentially brains, and we all generally suffer from this limitation. Cure Aging

Chapter 1 The smartest people Getting the smartest people to do the job. This is the most common way of doing things, processes people to identify the smartest people and put them to do the challenging work. It is called the education system. Finding the smartest people is possible, but a consideration is that this system is highly flawed by sociology. Is the candidate really the smartest, or just gone through life with privilege and passes. Considering we are genuine about wanting to cure aging, we must take such into account.

Chapter Two, Bone fide genius, they are above the smartest people, and they wear their superior intellect openly, they can be identified. They are a better chance at meeting the goals of science work than the smartest people. Definitely sought to work on biology, medical problems and curing aging... They are also generally easily acquired. They seem to be sidelined most of the time as governments are threatened by such people.

Chapter 3: Savants. If you have seen the movie Rain Man, the main character is termed a savant. Savants surpass the smartest people and even bona fide geniuses. They usually have some kind of brain damage that causes them to be exceptional. Autism or acquired savants, an accident to head.

Chapter 4 Artificial Intelligence. We use these brains to build brains, an artificial brain, an intelligence that can surpass human capacity.

Artificial Intelligence, if such an A.I. were to do science. Everything we thought we knew would not survive A.I. We are just beginning to build systems with the capacity of being somewhat intelligent. Automaton's to a computing machine able to do math computations, exceeding most people ability, to beating world champion in chess, go and other games. IBM Watson beating Jeopardy champion in trivia facts. Rather than a human being intelligent enough to do some task, we can build machines to do tasks both physical and intellectual and develop them, ongoing, increasing their ability and intelligence with each iteration.

Chapter 5. Intelligent Slime An interesting show of intelligence, was a slime that redesigned the Tokyo subway, doing a far better job than humans. Physarum polycephalum Single-celled slime molds, they found, can build networks as complex as the Tokyo subway system.

Chapter 6. As we observed in the slime mold. The prospect of biological neuronal network, the brain in a vat. Which brings us to the latest iteration and the topic we want to explore today, in the search for brain power that can cure aging. The brain in a Vat. The brain in a jar. The big neuronal network. Brains are just neurons forming connections. We can't have this 1 chip per neuron shenanigans, we need the big brain... Duplicate the brain and make an infinitely larger version of it with the design that it results in superintelligence. The process would involve forming an artificial brain, neurons and synapses in a container. New neurons can be added, and the brain made bigger and bigger. But neurons are highly dependent on the life support system and are living...1. Defining the media, so it can be synthesized and be animal free. As the brain gets larger, the amount of media would also increase. Artificial media could be cheap, and a media recycling system could make things more efficient.2. Without an immune system, a virus or bacteria could kill the brain. Either an immune system must be synthesized or the condition must be kept sterile. Generally, developing artificial homeostatic and life support systems are required.3. Neuron rights, apply the Abraham Maslow, hierarchy of human needs, allow them to rest to 12 hours a day, feed them, so on. We are building a sentience, and building a sentience is not inherently a violation of the sentience rights. A sentient brain could be perfectly happy if all its needs were met. 4. Develop the input and output system to train the neurons and to communicate with the brain. Ideally, like, we communicate with humans. The average total volume of the human brain is approximately 1,200 cubic centimeters.

Multiplied by the number of people on Earth, say (8 billion), the resulting volume would be approximately 9,600 cubic meters.9,600 cubic meters = 30.8 meters by 30.8 meters by 30.8 meters. Basically, all the human brains on Earth would fit into a space 30.8 meters. The Empire State Building in New York City is by comparison 1.04 million cubic meters vs. 9,600 cubic meters for all the human brains on Earth. It could fit a brain 108 times the size of all the brains of everyone alive today, every human being on Earth. What is the all important aim here. Is making brains that build smarter brains, that brain that builds a brain, and on and on. Then we can use it that brain to the needs of human being, obsoleting healthcare, cure aging.

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