26 Why do my slingshot bands hit my middle finger?

2 years ago

We're going to have to make some assumptions on this question. We are going to assume that you are talking about your frame holding hand, which is being smacked by your bands.

You are not alone. This is called hand slap or band slap, and it is absolutely no fun. Especially as the weather gets colder, it can be downright unbearable.

For a much more in depth answer to this, check out https://youtu.be/kS-4jX7heBo

The great news is that it is completely avoidable. We preach matching bands, two ammo a lot around here, and avoiding hand slap is one of the reasons to do so. Mind you, there are other even more important reasons, but hand slap is no fun and that is the question here.

Hand slap usually occurs when shooting over the top when your ammo is too light or your bands are too strong. The leftover energy in the bands causes them to retract for the second time and then they come crashing back into your frame hand. Ouch.

You have a few options. First, hand slap is much less likely when shooting through the forks. If you shoot through the forks, band slap will almost entirely go away. Second, make sure that your bands are matched to your ammo. Try shooting a heavier ammo or lighten up your bands so they match and there won't be that leftover energy in the band.

For a much more in depth answer to this, check out https://youtu.be/kS-4jX7heBo

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Latex - https://simple-shot.com/collections/bulk-slingshot-latex
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