European Union Collective – Christopher Story – Introduction 1.2

2 years ago

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This book is a daring analysis of the plans of two major players in the battle for Europe's destiny. One is Germany and the dream of a Pan-Germany. The other is Russia, which had plans since the Soviet era.

In our days, the EU is seen as an enemy of the nations it comprises, thus Christopher Story thinks. He is able to see a "German and Russian strategy to complete Lenin's World Revolution

Notes and references:
11. Gospel of Mark, Chapter 4, verses 21-22: 'And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick? For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad'. And Gospel of Luke, Chapter 8, verses 16-17: 'No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it with a vessel or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it on a candlestick, that they which enter may see the light. For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad'.

12. Gorbachev's extreme arrogance and impatience with any overview of global developments other than 'his' own, was vividly on display when he addressed the Gorbachev Foundation/USA's 'State of the World Forum' event as 'Convening Chair' at the New York Hilton and Towers on 5th September 2000.

13. At the press conference held with the late President Francois Mitterrand in Paris on 6th May 1991, Gorbachev made the following extremely significant remarks, couched as usual in Leninist Aesopian (double-meaning) language. As indicated, he said: 'The dangers lie in the fact that someone, analysing at some private moment or other, this or that instance or episode, or even event, including a dramatic event, should not make hasty conclusions and cast doubt on all that has been acquired and what we have created in putting international relations onto new channels, onto new rails, entering, as all of us have said, a period of peaceful development'.

14. Martin Walker, 'The Waking Giant: The Soviet Union under Gorbachev', Sphere Books Limited (Abacus), 1987, London, page 10.

15. The campaign for the abolition of the 'image of the enemy' was spearheaded by Georgiy Arbatov, a close strategic adviser to President Gorbachev and a member of his Politburo. Writing in 'Kommunist' in June 1988, Arbatov proclaimed that 'the image of the enemy that is
being eroded has been... absolutely vital for the foreign and military policy of the United States and its allies. The destruction of this stereotype... is Gorbachev's weapon.... Neither the arms race, nor power politics in the Third World, nor the military blocs, are thinkable without "the
enemy", and without the "Soviet threat"'. In the same article, Arbatov pointed out that the United States would not be slow to acquiesce in this rapid erosion of the threatening 'image' of the Soviet Union, when he noted that 'of course, this weapon is not secret, but it does have
tremendous power'.

16. This is not to say that Stalin was not a Leninist: on the contrary, he was a most attentive disciple and implementer of Lenin's blueprint. However the Stalinist variant (thesis) impeded the full flowering of the antithesis - the global Leninist 'way' ('put', which means 'way', as in Putin).

17. P. Wiles, 1964, 'The Political Economy of Communism', Cambridge, MA, Harvard University
Press, page 356.

18. M. Gorbachev, 'Underpinning a Secure World', Pravda, 17th September 1987.

19. Vladimir I. Lenin, 'State and Revolution', International Publishers, New York, 1961 Ed., p. 68.

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