Money makes money

2 years ago

A man with nothing was offered a job digging holes, two dollars for every hole. It took him three days to dig the first hole to the required depth.

He bought food and a cheap blanket and saved one dollar of his pay.

Eventually, he used his savings to buy a shovel.

With the shovel, he could dig two holes in one day. In less than a month, he could afford a small wagon. The wagon made it easier to dispose of the dirt, which doubled his speed. He had an apartment now, and a mattress, and regular food.

He was now able to save a little more. Soon, he was able to rent specialized hole digging equipment and dig 100 holes a day.

With the money he was now able to save, he took a few classes, learned to read and write. He gave up hole-digging and started waiting tables.

From his tips, he paid for bartending school and eventually became a bartender, making 200 a day just in tips.

Money buys opportunities. The more money, the better the opportunity. Without those opportunities, that man would still be digging holes by hand.

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