Thousands Chanting “JESUS” in South Africa

2 years ago

This moment right here was one of the greatest moments of my life: to be a part of thousands yelling “JESUS, JESUS, JESUS”! It was such a loud and thunderous praise from the depths of our hearts after just encountering God - most of us if not all - like NEVER BEFORE! Seeing him move like never before and encountering Him like never before as His power healed, delivered, and personally touched His people all over the room. Jesus, we give You all the glory! I am so grateful for the uncountable miracles that Jesus did at Revival is Now South Africa and how He touched His people! Thank you Jesus that REVIVAL IS NOW, and this is life now; your presence and power so mightily moving; healing, delivering and revealing your love, just as it was when you walked on the earth and in the Acts Church! 🔥 HALLELUJAH! JESSSSUUUUSSSSS!!!!!
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