Revival is Now LONDON - THIS WEEK!

2 years ago

REVIVAL IS NOW LONDON IS IN A FEW DAYS! 🇬🇧 In this video I share the sights of London that I got to see for the first time in August. I ministered at ‘Revival is Now UK,’ and Jesus moved more powerfully than I had truly ever witnessed! The 800 person theater was packed (sold out) all 3 nights and we changed the 4th service from a minister’s service to being open to everyone because the hunger was so big and we didn’t want people to miss out! THIS TIME IS REVIVAL IS NOW LONDON, and we’ve got a bigger venue and more space for even more hunger! I’m so expectant for God to move yet again in a way like we’ve never seen! Jesus will do so many miracles! If you need healing, deliverance, are hungry for an encounter with God and impartation, DO NOT MISS THIS! And don’t let your friends and family miss either! Get tickets now by going to

Revival is Now LONDON 🇬🇧
16/11, 17/11, 18/11 - London, England

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