29 Nations come to Revival in Germany

2 years ago

1,200+ people from 29 different nations came to Lage, Germany 🇩🇪 last Thursday to encounter Jesus! Jesus shocked us with His power, His love, and His goodness! Demons shrieked and left people before a sermon could begin, and the whole service was deliverance after deliverance from there; with some brief teaching of how to be free between the deliverances. It was a move of God like I’ve never seen! No time for an hour of teaching this time - GOD WANTED TO JUST FREE HIS PEOPLE!!! 😭 God is increasing His anointing and the revival is growing! All glory to Jesus for the many wonders, deliverances, healings and all kinds of miracles He did for His children from all over the world! REVIVAL IS NOW! 🔥🌍
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