Is it "unreasonable" to expect accountability from our government?

2 years ago

It should NOT be unreasonable for us to expect accountability from our government. But we have government right now that truly does not believe that it is their job to answer to the people. We have NO representation. And this conversation I had today with Senator Clements' Senior Legislative Aide, Dan Wiles, is just another example of the condescension that I have repeatedly been met with when I have called for accountability from our elected officials.

Despite Mr. Wiles REPEATEDLY calling me "unreasonable,' I do not believe I have been. If I sound frustrated with our elected officials in any of the videos that I post, you can rest assured that those videos are NOT the first attempts that I made to try to get my concerns addressed. The frustration comes form having all of my very polite letters to elected officials either completely ignored or responded to with canned "answers" that are never answers at all.

Your government hates you. They don't hide the fact that they hate me. Hell, they often tell me to my face how much I am despised at the capitol. I'm fine with that. But rest assured, it isn't just me that they hate. They hate all of us who remind them that the job that they asked for required them to swear an oath. I am called "unreasonable" for expecting them to uphold that oath.

You can find other videos detailing the corruption that exists in Nebraska's elections on my Rumble page or on Decide for yourself who is being "unreasonable."

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