2 years ago


The so called antichrist is not a man, but the ideology of world governance, or a system of enslavement i.e. technocratic totalitarianism.

The rise of the beast, or beast system is epitomized in the Federal Reserves' CBDC (central bank digital currency); coupled with a digital identity, aka mark of the beast!

One must be marked in order to buy or sell, the beast system is one of centralized control, or mono-governance rather than independent systems of self- governance.

In this system group think will be monitored and enforced by a draconian social credit score, where independent thought will be punished by the lowering of one's credits.

Facebook Jail is a good example of this system, where certain privilege's are taken away for spreading "system deemed" misinformation.

Freedom will be a thing of the past where as only conformity, and compliance will be tolerated by the ruling elite.

Deceptive means and events such as the plandemic are what will be used to implement this nightmare upon humanity. (problem reactions solution)

Only when the masses grasp this will they recognize what is happening to them and their loved ones.

No freedom isn't free, we the people must be vigilant in our pursuit of it, which entails educating those around us, who are under the spell of the antichrist of which I speak.

Make no mistake we are in a battle against powerful forces like the World Economic Forum, but alas we will prevail, for the human spirit yearns to be free . . .

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