Superhuman Quantum Medicine For Rapid Recovery | Ian Mitchell

2 years ago

Imagine getting bucked off your motorcycle while heading down the freeway at 65 MPH. Fractured bones, TBI, rampant inflammation, road rash, the prognosis is usually quite bleak. What if instead of following the standard of care, you had the best tools of modern science at your disposal? Is it possible that you’d be up and walking several weeks later? While I certainly recommend following your medical professionals advice, our guest this week took a different approach and got some unbelievable results.

📕 Video chapters
0:00 Introduction
0:36 Ian Mitchell’s conversational belief
1:54 Ian’s health & performance non-negotiables
6:02 What is quantum biology and ways to influence it
15:12 Lock & key receptor mechanism theory
15:50 The Quantum Bloc shellfish allergy experiment
18:50 How is quantum technology different from conventional medicine
22:23 Ian’s quantum coffee experiment
25:19 What exactly is frequency modulation, & how Ian performs it
27:10 How is love transferred to an object
29:53 Ian's motorcyle accident and how he healed in record time
31:48 Utilizing PEMF coils to accelerate tissue repair
33:39 Supplements Ian is using to recover faster
36:39 How to optimize inflammation
41:00 Meditation gives the ability to choose instead of react
43:58 How Ian avoided screws, plates, and casts post-injury
44:50 Self-administered V Cell treatments
47:14 Ian’s background prior to quantum biology
55:06 How to determine which quantum technologies actually work
57:24 No one really knows exactly how the quantum works
59:43 Ways to quantify the benefits of new technologies
61:01 Ian’s final thoughts

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📝 About our guest
Ian Mitchell is the closest thing to a modern-day wizard. He’s the Lead Scientist at Wizard Sciences and Biocharged, and a brilliant researcher of a longevity molecule called Carbon 60. Ian is an adviser to many top health & wellness brands. He’s combining quantum medicine with nanoparticles and other technologies to increase quality of life and healthspan. Ian is well-versed in ancient wisdom, modern science, and spirituality.

🔑 Key takeaways
- No one truly understands the mechanisms of quantum biology, but the effects are measurable and consistent
- How Ian Mitchell used specific physical and energetic healing technologies to defy conventional physicals & repair a major injury in record-breaking time
- An introspective practice, no matter how simple, has been pivotal to Ian’s widely varying successes

🔗 Links
- Full episode show notes:
- Music by Luke Hall:

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