WTF Episode 55 - Blaming it on the weather. Weather is now responsible for cancer!

2 years ago

Happy New Year and welcome to the first WTF episode of the year.

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From now on I was thinking I might refer to the experimental drug as Voldemort. Harry Potter fans will know this reference as he is the bad wizard who can not be mentioned by his full name. Therefore perfect codeword for experimental drug posing as a vaccine.

In this episode I talk about how the weather is now being blamed for the surge of cancers which some BS study has found to show which I am sure is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

I am sure it has nothing to do with Voldemort.

Let me kinow your thoughts and comments below. Do you think there is a correlation between the weather and cancer or do you think it's much more likely to be caused by

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