2 years ago

In Canada ABUSE to targeted senior citizens is widespread by LHIN (also known as CCAC and HCCSS) which is the street-like bully Enforcer of archaic punitive methods to penalize and brow-beat targeted senior citizen into SILENCE.

Taxpayers across the Dominion of Canada “donate” billions of dollars to fund the Canada Health System in Ontario with full knowledge, endorsement, protection and approval by the strong fisted mean spirited brutal Ontario PC Government with Honourable Doug Ford as Premier.

Unqualified, inexperienced, inadequately trained LHIN employees enjoy unlimited power over patients and are accountable and responsible to nobody.

When all else fails to GAG AND SILENCE senior citizen ADVOCATES like me LHIN escalates their refusal of health services to the level of absolutely not one iota of health service,

At age 88 I still vividly recall when a male nurse kicked my Beautiful wife out of ICE (Intensive Care Unit) at 12 midnight. I promised her on her deathbed that I would spend the rest of my life as an advocate for abused senior citizens. But ALONE I am helpless against LHIN which is an evil JUDGE AND JURY OVER ALL BUT I STILL REFUSE TO BE SILENT. I WILL NOT STOP STANDING UP FOR ABUSED SENIORS.

Soooo! WHAT do YOU think will be their next move???

Al Yetman
Advocate for Abused Senior Citizens

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