Who is your God?

2 years ago

Friends, the world has being deceived by The Devil and Satan. whom are both God and Jesus. Thus says Iy! the Sovereign one whom is holy : And whom is the ALMIGHTY Iy! And how many Gods are we going to worship? Shangdi? Buddha? Allah? Brahma and Siva? And Gog God? The lord God? Just to name a few of the thirty thousand Gods.

Friends, for more information please visit my YouTube channel called : The Pure Gospel of ELU’HYMN! Thank you . https://www.youtube.com/.../UC4-u-UR8irhvBx1MypdVJhA/videos.

Or you can visit my message called Idol worshipers: Here is the link: https://youtu.be/Iv6tE_NQaQ0.

Here is the link to the information on the Chinese high God Shangdi: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shangdi.

Thank you.

Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors:


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