Cancer Full Moon Jan 6 '23 Harmonies and Affirmations #astrology #harmonic #activation #highvibes

2 years ago
6 This Cancer Full Moon brings many emotions to the surface. The more we can honor everyone's journey, especially in our families, the faster we can all heal. I hope these planetary frequencies and their affirmations help you do just that. Life and people aren't's what we do with our own imperfections that matters most. (For the best listening use a headset or your smart phone (most laptops not ideal).
For a more in depth look at your personal astrology, schedule a reading:
Sun/Full Moon/Mercury (Merc conj Sun, opp Moon):
The more I honor and express my feelings with honesty and integrity, the more easily I can harmonize my inner and outer life.

Sun/FM/Chiron (T-Square):
The more I recognize my own triggers as messengers the easier it is for me to heal myself and to understand others with neutrality.

Sun/Merc/Chiron (Square)
I recognize how powerful my thoughts and words can be, and use them to inspire healing in my own life and in those around me.

Moon/Merc/Chiron (T-square)
I accelerate healing when I honor the full range of human emotions in myself and others, and provide a healthy outlet for their expression.

Sun/FM/Uran (trine, sextile):
I remain outrageously open to brilliant insights and divine surprises that change my life in the most inspiring ways.

Sun/FM/Neptune (trine/sextile):
I honor all human emotions as divine messengers that inspire greater understanding within myself and others.

Saturn/Sedna square:
The laws that were designed to benefit corporations are giving way to the universal laws already written in the hearts of people that will benefit all life.

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