2 years ago

The magnetic field of the Earth is experiencing some odd phenomena. It has gradually diminished over the past 200 years and moved its magnetic north pole from the Canadian Arctic to Siberia. The slow migration south, however, has quickened recently and can now go up to 30 miles each year. Could a geomagnetic reversal, in which the magnetic north and south poles switch places, be imminent? Why are the Earth's poles flipping? What are the consequences and how can you handle them? This film explores the phenomena of the Earth's poles flipping, which is currently causing a great deal of concern among many people.
Earth's magnetic field,is produced by the flow of molten iron in the planet's core, approximately 1,800 miles (2896 km) beneath our feet. This superheated liquid generates electric currents, which cause electromagnetic fields to form. While the principles that cause pole reversal are relatively unknown, computer models of planetary dynamics demonstrate that the reversals occur on their own. This is backed by observations of the Sun's magnetic field, which reverses every 11 years. Our own magnetic field formed at least 4 billion years ago, and the Earth's magnetic poles have reversed numerous times since then. The magnetic field has altered ten times in the previous 2.6 million years alone, and because the most recent occurred 780,000 years ago, some experts believe we are due for another. However, reversals are neither predictable nor periodic.

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