BFGC - Jan 1, 2022 In God We Trust

2 years ago

Many Bible believers today say that they Love God and trust Him for big decisions and how they decide to live their lives, but the fruit of their actions suggests that they are trusting in their own abilities. Yehovah tells us in His Word that Trusting Him will be an action that is visible to people around us and will look differently from the solutions chosen by people living in the world.

Believers should stay in the Bible everyday and build their faith on what God has shown us about Himself and on the testimonies of believers that have experienced His working in their lives. That faith foundation can grow and mature as we are willing to step out in that greater faith and put our trust in God as an action. Practice trusting God in all the little things and He will work in your life and you soon will be able to trust Him in the harder areas before too long. Get off the church pew and get into the game and let Yehovah grow you into a person of great faith that can be used by Him!

Love God, Love your Neighbor, Preach the Kingdom
Make Disciples, Sanctify the Name of Yehovah

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