The Osprey Power Animal

1 year ago

The osprey, also called the sea or fish hawk, is a large, long winged raptor that lives near water. They like living in places that have good vantage points to everything around them. They’re great fish hunters since they have a special vision to detect underwater objects from the air. The osprey can visualize their flight path knowing when and where to dive. After sighting their prey, they hover momentarily and then plunge feet first with their long, curved talons into the water. Their timing is usually impeccable and they sometimes catch fish by submerging their entire bodies. Ospreys have an outer toe that is reversible, allowing them to grasp their prey with two toes in front and two behind. They then carry their fish to a favorite perch or to their high, huge nest where their chicks are waiting. Ospreys are very committed and protective of their family. The downy young hatchings are fed by both parents for about 6 weeks before they fledge and learn to fly in 7 to 8 weeks.

The creative and fierce osprey is not afraid to take risks to get what they want. They’re symbols of confidence, vigilance, power, and vision. Call on their spirit when you need to assert yourself or seize an opportunity. Visit our website for a free power animal reading and to learn how your power animal reflects your best qualities. Thank you and have a great day.

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