International False Rape Timeline – hangout (76) – 2022

2 years ago

This pre-recorded hangout covers cases that date from or were concluded in 2022. This is the second time I have recorded hangouts in one month, not the first, as I thought. The first ever hangout was held live on September 19, 2018, and the following months I held no fewer than four live hangouts.

This one covers a fair amount of ground, starting with some general talk including my latest documentary, the unrelated TRANSSANITY, and smears, in particular smears on Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull – who has been smeared by women as well as men. Believe women, indeed. I contrasted smears on women with smears on men; the former are called misogyny or sexism, the latter are “credibly accused”.

I covered the November 19 car crash outside my house and how the media reports or doesn’t report on matters that are worthy of reporting.

I covered Amber Heard and the letter in support of her by so-called experts, including Catherine MacKinnon. The Heard case will be added to the Timeline at some point but has already been covered in hangout 67 on June 23.

Elizabeth Holmes is another toxic woman, one who blamed her crimes on her male co-defendant who manipulated and of course sexually abused her.
I covered changes in state benefits which can affect women who claim to have been raped and then given birth. To illustrate this I cited an American case reported by a book in 2001.

The odious Casey Anthony is already on the Timeline but her entry will be augmented at some point due to the recent Netflix documentary.

I mentioned a recent false rape report from France and one from the United States. One from Zimbabwe – a miscarriage of justice rather than a simple false rape allegation, a horrible case.

An article about DARVO – yeah, right. In this connection I mentioned the Yovino case – which is on the Timeline.

I covered the Brittany Higgins case, which will be added to the Timeline in due course.

An article from a police website which appears to have drunk the feminist Kool-Aid.

Another American case in which a woman attacked a guy with a sword!
A South African case in which a man was falsely accused by his own daughter Jeezus, some women are sick.

An article by the End Violence Against Women crowd; they are unhappy with new CPS guidelines on therapy notes. Therapy indeed.

Another case of a falsely accused police officer, perhaps an honest false mistake.

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