Vaccine Damage From the Injured 2022

1 year ago

A documentary film by Jennifer Sharp, is a compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate.

While the vaccine debate grows more divided, those with adverse reactions get stuck in the middle.

Vaccines have caused harm and deaths since there was only one vaccine in existence. A growing number of serious injuries and deaths to children occurred in the 1980's, when the vaccine schedule began to increase, and new combinations of vaccines were given together – with absolutely NO pre-licensure safety testing performed.

The passing of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 was intended to shift the burden of ensuring vaccines were safe to the federal government, while providing a mechanism for compensating those who were inevitably harmed by vaccines. Neither of these initiatives were successful. Millions of American children have been harmed by untested and dangerous vaccines with no acknowledgement of their injuries.

The hastily developed COVID vaccines are no different in their ability to cause permanent harm or death. But now it is ADULTS who are being harmed, and their devastating injuries are far more difficult to dismiss than injuries to infants who cannot communicate. There have now been more adverse reactions reported to VAERS for COVID vaccines than for all other vaccines in history combined.

Film Synopsis:

In March 2021, after receiving my Pfizer shot, I couldn’t feel the left side of my face for a month. Eighteen months later, electric shocks and muscle weakness continue. Unable to receive the 2nd dose, I am among a group of partially-vaccinated people who have been outcast from many aspects of society with no empathy. We’ve been censored and told it’s unethical to talk about our stories because we are just anecdotes

This movie provides a glimpse into the lives of the Anecdotals–those of us whose lives have been changed drastically by taking the vaccine. It also reflects on the division and politics that prevents us from getting much needed care. Anecdotals is a personal journey that focuses on questions, not answers, and people, not politics.

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