MEME LIFE 35 | TUkEk.Art | 'Tides Turning' by Arulo

2 years ago

MEME LIFE 35 | Commotio cordis ( Latin, "agitation or disruption of the heart")

Nikola Tesla "As in nature, all is ebb and tide, all is wave motion, so it seems that in all branches of industry, alternating currents - electric wave motion - will have the sway."
Warren Buffett "Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked."

MEME LIFE is a collection of random memes from the meme bank. The words in the memes are not my own, I don't necessarily agree with every word. They're just memes. Food for thought. Entertaining ideas. And some are just funny. So, Relax and enjoy.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” -Aristotle

Music: 'Tides Turning' by Arulo

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