Live Chat with Paul; -101- Happy New Year UFO Show 2023 Orange Orbs -see Descr for list of topics

2 years ago

#UAP #UAPS #offworldcraft #alien #aliens #fraudchannels
#UFOLOGY #AfieldofLies #misinformation #disinformation

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Configing Color NightVision for best sky view + UFO orange Orbs + distance of planes seen on Cameras + Paul how to fix crackle with win 10
audio drivers.
[00:06:00] (2) Main Topics begins - Paul Trouble shoots Audio crackle since the
Win 10 Update 21h1 conflict with voicemeter VB-cables
[00:24:00] (2b) Testing the audio now its fixed that Win 10 Fault.
[00:25:00] (2c) Win 10 update screwed up the size of the FONT in text HiLiter so
Paul leaves that to try to fix it another day.
[00:38:00] (3) Paul shows how to config the sensor in the Sony Color Night Vision Camera
for outside Sky Watching.
[01:14:00] (4) How far can you see a PLANE in the sky and how far can the see
down and to the horizon.. Whats the science and maths?
[01:59:00] (4b) A NZ Small quake rocks Pauls bed and laptop
so looks it up.
[02:08:00] (5) All about Laser pointers and the dangers
[02:20:00] (6) Survival Torches 2300lums can light fires
[02:41:00] (7) How far can you see strobe lights on a Plane Jet.
[02:54:00] (8) Gabber comes one and bitches Paul said he blinds Pilots
with his super powerful green laser.. Paul was joking.
[02:55:00] (8b) Gabbers Mic echos.. but Paul didnt hear it only google
viewers said.. so Paul investigates and fixes it finally! another tech issue win10
[04:00:00] (9) Fault Lines and Ring of Fire. Orbs related to moving rock under ground?
[04:22:00] (10) Orange ORB UFO sightings and theories.
[04:41:00] (10b) Canadian UFO research Stats on Orbs and 1 percent are mysterious only
with most being Chinese Lanterns and Satellite flares and ISS and fireballs.
[05:00:00] (10c) What are Min Min Lights that Aus Aborigines have seen for 1000s of years from West to East Aus and South to North.
[05:40:00] (11) Paul talks about 100s of ORB cases in New Zealand

Paul warps up for the night....

cheers Paul.

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cheers Paul.

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Thanks to the Following

Paul S. (Music)
Free Music Archive (creative commons music)
sometimes other tunes or a mix of 2

ALL footage used is either done under the express permission of the original owner, or is public domain and falls under rules of Fair Use. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting

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