Driving Or Working a 9 to 5 Job??? (Convo with @TheRideshareHustler )

2 years ago

Not everyone is designed the same, mentally or physically. Knowing that, we all may not understand why someone may choose the lifestyle they do, especially with earning income to enjoy the life they do. A job is what it is, and owning your own business is what it is.

People are going to do what they feel they are designed to do.

#Working #Uber #Lyft #Doordash #Earning #Lux #Rideshare #gigwork #parttime #Fulltime #Economy #Freedom #Career #Lifestyle #Sidegig

@TheRideshareHustler @VinnyKuzz @doordashsucks606 @drivinginstyle1 @therideshareculture @GigWise @MusicCityGigHustlers

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