1923 Ep. 3 Review-Andrew Tate-NFL Playoff Picture

2 years ago

Fascinating Western Series airing on Paramount+ "1923" rolls out its third episode "The War Has Come Home"! Hear each of my outlandish takes on this episode and if I believe it will be renewed for a second season. Everyone is scouring the internet and driving with their windows down to see who Andrew Tate is. Don't worry, I have you covered. Did you know he came out with his own bible? NFL Playoffs are right around the corner and the fat lady hasn't sung on my Green Bay Packers playoff chances yet! Painting the playoff picture for you right here on Prestons Super Show! Tell Anchor.fm to toss me a few ads, will you?

Podcast link: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/xwu4T9LViwb

#Westerns #1923 #AndrewTate #NFL #Playoffs

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