Tips and Pits! Uber/Lyft Inspection & Showing My Appreciation by TIPPING!

2 years ago

Many of us that work in an industry where we understand the value of services. Even though we are not required to tip, many of us do so to show the person in front of us how much we appreciate them doing a service for us today. I will never become the same , low-vibration, pessimistic, negative energy that I see on these threads where customers complain about the cost of a product or service not being worth tipping. Just that THOUGHT alone shows the type of energy someone has in their soul, and it's not how I am, nor how I was raised to be as a citizen of this world around me.

In my opinion, the VALUE of tipping greatly outweighs the COSTS of tipping. But that's also coming from me - a person with a positive attitude - versus you hearing it from people with negative attitudes that wish to infect you with their negative energy.

Energy is everything in this world. You BECOME the energy you carry.

For other AMAZING CONTENT, check out these other channels:
@VinnyKuzz (Takes rideshare income and trades options with it!)
@doordashsucks606 (Honest guy with content that exposes these apps!)
@therideshareculture (Funniest dude in Florida with great, real content!)
@drivinginstyle1 (Mainly Tesla content, with a $5 e-book showing how to make $2k/week income)
@followkistrax4712 (AMAZING CHANNEL for drivers LIVING in their vehicles to save money!)

#Tipping #NonTipper #CustomerService #Uber #Lyft #gigwork #Lux #Value #Cost #attitude #Energy #staypositive #dontbenegative #pitbull

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