How To Adjust Your App For Better Customers!!!

2 years ago

We have the power to adjust our apps for certain customer rating-levels, as well as re-rate customers to be on the level they deserve to be on. Hardworking drivers have been getting lowly ranked thru the entire pandemic, even being an essential worker during dangerous times.

Well, here's two of my videos to help you keep certain customer ON your radar and to keep certain ones AWAY. It also helps other drivers by not allowing them to treat ANOTHER driver the same way they just treated YOU! This simply makes it a better experience for everyone, as they will get the drivers THEY want and you will get the customers YOU want!

Win-Win for everybody! 5-star customers deserve 5-star drivers, and vice versa. There's levels to this business, and people need to understand that we're not employees to be walked on, laughed at, ranked low, and then NOT feel the same energy could be returned to them.

This is how the app was designed to work. Drivers didn't create the app. We just figured it out!

#Uber #UberEats #Doordash #Lyft #rideshare #gigwork #rating #stars #feedback

For other amazing channels to help understand the ins-and-outs of the gig economy, check these out:


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