Boston Dynamic's Private Robot Army

2 years ago

Boston Dynamic's Private Robot Army

Boston Dynamics is a robotics engineering and design company located in the US and founded in 1992 as a spinoff from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). At inception, the company specialized in the production of training videos for the US Navy but would eventually transition into the world of robotics and AI, soon coming to dominate the industry. Boston Dynamics has now garnered a sophisticated level of expertise to remain a major player and leader in the industry and achieve unprecedented feats in the realm of AI and robotics. As proof of the company’s astonishing innovative expertise is evident in the robot called the big dog which is a quadruped robot that was specifically designed for the US military. The company has always maintained a progressive standard of ensuring that every new generation of its robots far surpasses the previous generation. The unveiling of new robot prototypes by Boston Dynamics usually leave the world more astounded than impressed. The design of some of its robots have also been made to be very identical in resemblance to their human creators, giving these robots a near human appearance.

In today's video we look at Boston Dynamic's Private Robot Army...Keep watching to see Boston Dynamics robots. Boston dynamics spot is in service with various Government agencies and private companies. Boston dynamics Atlas is not for consumers and is a special project of backed by DARPA. Keep watching to see why they are building such a large private army.

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