Rebellion That Causes Desolation - Antiochus Epiphanes Great Abomination

2 years ago

Jesus told us to take note of the abomination and rebellion of abomination in the temple of God as foretold in the prophecies of Daniel. Although this prophecy of Daniel is a premier example of prophecy that has already been fulfilled in great detail in the life of Antiochus IV... Jesus spoke of it as a future event signaling the nearness of His second coming.

Could it be that details of the horrible exploits of Antiochus Epiphanes can give us insight into the horrible events that immediately precede Christ's return?

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Thinking about end-time persecution is scary, those who have to live through it will need help. So here are a few things God offers: the fact that He has told you about it in advance assures you that He allows it and therefore has a purpose for it. He has given you an indication of its duration which assures you it lasts a short set amount of time until it accomplishes the purpose he has for it.

The events of the end will demonstrate that human beings are helpless to overcome the forces of spiritual wickedness at work in the world through our own virtue, knowledge, or intellect. We are incapable of having a right relationship with the one true God on our own terms. Our traditions, theories and self proclaimed ways of approaching our Creator [reality of the universe] do not work. The only answer is to trust and obey… YOU CAN DO THAT RIGHT NOW!

Photos by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC.​

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