2 years ago

6 Minutes Ago: Classified Document Reveals Terrifying Information.
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Every time there's an attack, all the clues and details and the inconsistencies, they paint a picture that's again and again denied by the system, and the very idea of hinting at a conspiracy or a false flag event is ridiculed and laughed off and considered to be ridiculous. And yet this has happened time and time again in history. Most of it isn't documented, but there are certain cases where it was explicitly stated, and one of those places is with Operation Northwoods. So we thought we would look at this document for Operation Northwoods. It was declassified because the problem with people forgetting history or failing to research history or failing to look into history is they forget these things ever happened and then history continues to repeat and people act like they have no idea why. I hear debunkers all the time when these major false flags happen. They make these arguments like how could large numbers of people lie about their identity? How could there be large numbers of crisis actors? How could they have fake funerals with fake victims? How could any of that stuff ever happen? How could so many people keep a secret? Exactly. And you hear that over and over and over every time there's a major event that has all the hallmarks of being a false flag. Well, if you go back and look at this particular document, they outline all of this stuff in print. How could those things happen? Well, just ask the Joint Chiefs of Staff after their meeting in March 1962 where they laid out exactly how it could happen all in print right there. It should be damning. It should be enough to shut this stuff down, but not enough people seem to know about it. A lot of things are going to start to make sense. This is the memorandum for the Secretary of Defense dated 13 March 1962 subject, Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba. TS, I guess, top secret. It says, Number one, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have considered the attached memorandum for the Chief of Operations Cuba Project, which responds to a request of that office for brief but precise description of pretexts, which would provide justification for US military intervention in Cuba. He just launched an invasion on a small country. Yes, but he was justified. Number two, the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommend that the proposed memorandum be forwarded as a preliminary submission suitable for planning purposes. It is assumed, by the way, that there will be similar submissions from other agencies. So this isn't just the Joint Chiefs. This is agencies plural and that these inputs will be used as a basis for developing a time phased plan. Sounds very serious. And then it says, it is recommended this responsibility for both overt and covert military operations be assigned the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And then it's signed by Limnitzer. Then it goes on to say, Note by the Secretaries to the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Northwoods, a report on the above subject is submitted for consideration by Joint Chiefs. So this is their report. Then you have this document that's been attached, which is a very poor photocopy. They always do that, especially on things where they really don't want people to actually read it like they couldn't make another photocopy that you can actually, that's actually legible. It's kind of ridiculous. But what this says is that, number one, this is Note by the Secretaries, number one, at their meeting on 13 March 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff approved the recommendations in paragraph eight of JCS 1969 slash 321. But so they approved the recommendations in paragraph eight. So they were moving forward with this. And then they've got something down here totally blacked out that they don't want you to see even now. Then it goes on to say, This is a report by the Department of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff representative on the Caribbean Survey Group. If you just heard the name Caribbean Survey Group, you wouldn't even think twice about what that means. To the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Cuba Project Top Secret. This one is dated 9 March 1962, just a couple days before. So they were moving pretty fast as far as the government's concerned on this. Now it's going to identify the problem, quote unquote, as requested by Chief of Operations Cuba Project, the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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