12 Things Attractive & High Value Men NEVER Do| Attractive Men

2 years ago

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12 Things Attractive & High Value Men NEVER Do:

0:03 1. High value and attractive Men never put short-term pleasure ahead of long-term achievement as their top priority. They know that giving in to the craving for instant gratification can lead to bad outcomes in the future and are willing to sacrifice today to achieve their goals. Low-value males prioritise their own joys and gratifications over their long-term health and prosperity.

0:39 2. Great men refuse mediocrity. They seek new challenges and ways to improve in all areas of their lives. However, low-value men often settle for mediocrity.

01:06 3. Worthy Men should never justify their mistakes. They acknowledge their responsibility for their actions and make an effort to improve upon their flaws. However, low-value men are more likely to justify their mistakes and blame others.

01:30 4. High-value males never play games or manipulate people to achieve what they want. They are honest and straightforward in their communication and interactions and cherish true connections with others. However, low-value males may manipulate and deceive to achieve what they want and put themselves before others.

01:56 5. Worthy males never neglect their personal growth. They work on themselves to become their finest selves. Low value males, on the other hand, may overlook their personal growth and development and may not prioritise self-improvement.

02:22 6. Worthy Men never let their ego interfere with relationships or personal growth. They are humble and willing to learn from others to progress. Low-value males may value their ego over relationships and personal progress and reject learning from others.

02:45 7. Worthy Men don't waste time on unimportant matters. They're disciplined and focused. Low value guys, on the other hand, may waste their time and energy on unimportant or frivolous interests.

03:09 8. High value Guys never compromise their ideals or integrity for the sake of convenience or personal benefit. They hold steadfast in their views and convictions and are willing to make difficult choices in order to stay true to themselves. Low-value men may sacrifice their values for personal gain or convenience.

03:35 9. High value men never shy away from challenges or harsh situations. They accept life's problems as learning opportunities. Low-value guys may avoid tough situations.

03:58 10. Value. Men never behave impulsively. In stressful situations, they can regulate their emotions and make sensible decisions. Low value males, on the other hand, may allow their emotions dictate their behaviour and may struggle to keep control in challenging situations.

04:23 11. High-value males never abuse their authority or position. They understand leadership and use their authority and influence ethically. Low-value males may abuse their power or position for personal gain or to harm others.

04:46 12. High-value Men always learn. They're continually learning and growing. Low-value guys may stop learning and growing.

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