AI and Deep Fake bigger threat than NUKES

2 years ago

AI and Deep Fake bigger threat than NUKES

Deepfakes are no new technological invention, and just as they can be fun and entertaining, they can also be dangerous and catastrophic. Not only does the term deep fake take its root from the concept of deep learning, but the rise of AI coupled with the boom of the digital era could also potentially result in the rise of deep fakes that can spell doom for our planet as a whole. With politicians and celebrities being at the top of the list of the world’s most influential figures that creators of AI-enabled deepfakes impersonate, it appears that the world is in more trouble than anyone has ever predicted. Join us as we take a deep dive into why the AI content of deepfakes is one of the most powerful pieces of content in the world right now, and just how beneficial or catastrophic they can actually become. AI is increasingly becoming more powerful than human editing, and not long from now, not even the most experienced human editors would be capable of distinguishing fact from fiction. Since the 1990s, deepfake technology has been used in the film industry mainly for speech reconstruction. And even presently, deepfakes and other related

In today's video we look at AI and Deep Fake bigger threat than NUKES...In this video, we are sharing with you a terrifying AI and deepfake threat that is bigger than nuclear weapons.

Elon Musk has warned us about the dangers of AI and deepfake technology, and he's correct – this is a serious threat that we need to take seriously. AI and deepfake technology are already causing huge damage, and they will only get worse in the future. We need to be on the lookout for this danger, and learn how to protect ourselves from it.

Watch this video to learn more about the AI and deepfake threat, and to see how you can protect yourself from it. Don't let this danger become a reality – be sure to watch and share it with your friends!

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