2023 Cigars For Warriors Donation Drive START!

2 years ago

OK guys for the veterans of the site you know what to do! For the new guys and gals, every year we run a huge 3 week donation drive for CigarsForWarriors.org the only Charity Organization sending cigars out to deployed combat troops around the world - the NUMBER ONE REQUESTED ITEM FROM THEM!

The address and instructions to send in anything you would like to contribute is below. It's also an EXCELLENT option to simply buy cheap bundles on sale from your favorite store. This is very much a quantity over quality thing, it's all about getting out the most packages to the troops for a much needed break time. The more the better!

There are only a few simple rules that must be followed per government restrictions on their program: No Cubans, no machine made and no cigarillo size. That's it! Everything else is good, AS LONG AS the cigar is in good shape. If it's cracked, moldy or otherwise belongs in the trash - that's where it needs to be, don't send any of that.

As batches of packages arrive I open each one and show it on camera, thanking the donors and reading any correspondence optionally included. At the end of January I coordinate with the CfW team and drop everything off for them to package and send out right away!

How to ship cigars safely: https://cigarobsession.com/2017/01/23/ship-cigars-safely/

Address for packages:

Bryan Glynn
C/O CigarObsession
8401 Lagerfeld Dr.
Land O Lakes, FL 34637

All shipments must be on the way by January 21st, 2023

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