THE MAYOR LIED AGAIN!!! City Attorney uses CURSE WORDS while speaking to a citizen (Civic Duty).

2 years ago

(Joshua "CIVIC DUTY" Kimbrell Live).

The Events of this MEETING:
During a Winchester City Council Meeting on Monday, November 21st, 2022... things, as normal... got pretty hectic! Towards the end of the meeting Former Police Chief Jon Reed's wife walked into City Hall & into the Council Chambers to call out the Current Police Chief Mike Burk & Deputy Chief Brandon Barndollar for negative & untrue comments (made in this meeting & at other times) about Former Chief Reed (who is still working on the Department as an Officer). When the meeting adjourned and the Councilors, citizens and other City Officials started walking outside... Josh "Civic Duty" Kimbrell attempted to have a normal, conversation with the City Attorney Meeks Cockerill (about not treating Josh's daughter like crap, because the two adults have an issue with one another... from there City Attorney Cockerill amps it up... which of course means Josh does too). *MAYOR BOB McCOY WAS ABSENT FROM THIS MEETING! HE IS NOW SAYING WHAT YOU WITNESS IN THIS VIDEO DID NOT HAPPEN! MARK THAT DOWN AS ONE MORE LIE!!!

Time Line of Events:
00:00:00 ~ Whitney Reed walks into the City Building.

00:00:18 ~ Whitney yells, "Now... You & You, Both!" at Chief Burk & Deputy Chief Barndollar.

00:00:26 ~ Whitney backs up into the hall way & continues to yell at the Chief & Deputy Chief!

00:00:37 ~ Whitney walks back into the Council Chambers yelling!

00:00:51 ~ Chief Burk says he will meeting with the Reed's later, Whitney cools down!

00:00:52 ~ The time at the top of the City Hall Security Camera reads: 18 49 11 (649p)... for brevity Josh edited out roughly 30 minutes of dead air in the hallway... because the meeting was still going on in the Council Chambers. You can see the full meeting at the following link: . . . (At 00:00:53 the time at the top reads 19 18 33 (718p) which shows the edit!)

00:01:45 ~ The meeting has adjourned and Chief Burk starts talking to Whitney. (Whitney and Chief Burk have words back and forth... while others are leaving the Council Chambers and being in the hallways and walking outside.)

00:02:32 ~ Chief Burk & Whitney go different ways! (Burk into the police department... Whitney into the Council Chambers.)

00:02:54 ~ Josh leaves the Council Chambers and knocks on the police department door.

00:02:59 ~ Whitney & others leave the Council Chambers.

00:03:19 ~ Josh begins talking to City Attorney Cockerill (who is off camera still) Josh says, "Im proud of you trying to finally give some legal advise!" City Attorney Cockerill ignores him. Josh walks back into the Council Chambers

00:03:20 ~ City Attorney Cockerill comes into view & then out of view in the hallway.

00:04:18 ~ City Attorney Cockerill comes back into view by police department.

00:04:23 ~ (CAN BE SEEN & HEARD BEST @ 00:05:53) Josh walks out of the Council Chambers and past City Attorney Cockerill... They have a conversation that can best be heard @ 00:05:53.

00:05:53 ~ Josh says the following to City Attorney Cockerill, "Hey the next time you see my daughter (a juvenile) don't ignore her she's a little girl" CITY ATTORNEY COCKERILL STARTS TO SAY, "I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT"... BUT HE SEES JOSH'S CAMERA IS OFF AND HE GETS TOUGH & SAYS, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!" To which Josh replies, "What the fuck I am talking about... is you at the Courthouse when you were asking the school kids questions..." CITY ATTORNEY COCKERILL CUTS IN AND SAYS, "I DON'T KNOW YOUR FUCKIN' DAUGHTER... I DON'T KNOW YOUR FUCKIN' DAUGHTER!" That then sets Josh off... he asks him, "why he has to be such a dick?" CITY ATTORNEY COCKERILL LAUGHS AND SAYS, "I'M THE DICK!"

00:07:05 ~ Here City Attorney Cockerill says, referring to Josh... "talk about a P**SY ASS B*TCH! ASSHOLE!"

"The Bastards of Politics" (Video/Audio Podcast).

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"The Bastards of Politics team" is: Kristopher H. Bilbrey, Joshua Kimbrell, Brandon Rudd, & Producers Niles & Kate Thornburg.

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Joshua 'Civic Duty' Kimbrell
Political Commentator
Co-Host of 'The Bastards of Politics'
© 2023 Ink Barrel Studio.

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